So many emotions. Finally, I'm done. Holy crap, I'm done. Wait...I'm done? Forever? Like...I don't get to do this with these people ever again....? Huh...not sure how I feel about that.
But I do know how I feel about Rain. Rain. Is. Amazing. My favorite type of weather. I love it so much. The gray skies don't push joy on you, like sunshine does. And once the first drops have fallen, everything becomes more beautiful. It washes away the dust covering our world and everything stands out. Ok the lesson here is that I love the rain. A lot. And it's raining. Right now. I'm happy. :)
Now for the thing that made my day. Many of you know how I have an interesting music taste that varies between rock, punk rock, heavy metal, Swedish heavy metal, Swedish Satanic heavy metal and so on. Well there is one Swedish Satanic heavy metal band I know (Ghost B.C.) and as I was browsing their Spotify page, I noticed that they are currently on tour.... So of course me being the kinda obsessed child I am, I looked at the tour dates and locations. To put it briefly. GHOST IS COMING TO DENVER!!!!! Ok keep in mind I found out about five minutes before writing this slice so I'm still really excited and I think I'm going to get to go and I'm so happy and it's raining and I might get cupcakes today. :) :) :) :)
Apologies for that ^^^ but I really am excited and there's so much good about today so I'm happy. Anyways. Here's my last slice for my time at Logan. I must say, I've sliced with some people for all three years and some for only two. Thank you. It's been a lot of fun slicing for you. Exit is to your right. Have a wonderful day. :)
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Last Song of the Week..." A Comet Appears" by The Shins
Alright so for the last song of the week, I decided to do A Comet Appears by The Shins. I love this song because it is a really calm song but also pretty powerful if you look at the lyrics. So I present, the last song of the week, A Comet Appears by The Shins.
One hand on this wily comet,
Take a drink just to give me some weight,
Some uber-man I'd make,
I'm barely a vapor
They shone a chlorine light on,
A host of individual sins,
Let's carve my aging face off,
Fetch us a knife,
Start with my eyes,
Down so the lines,
Form a grimacing smile,
Close your eyes to corral a virtue,
Is this fooling anyone else?
Never worked so long and hard,
To cement a failure,
We can blow on our thumbs and posture,
But the lonely is such delicate things,
The wind from a wasp could blow them,
Into the sea,
With stones on their feet,
Lost to the light and the loving we need,
Still to come,
The worst part and you know it,
There is a numbness,
In your heart and it's growing,
With burnt sage and a forest of bygones,
I click my heels,
Get the devils in line,
A list of things I could lay the blame on,
Might give me a way out,
But with each turn,
It's this front and center,
Like a dart stuck square in your eye,
Every post you can hitch your faith on,
Is a pie in the sky,
Chock full of lies,
A tool we devise,
To make sinking stones fly,
And still to come,
The worst part and you know it,
There is a numbness,
In your heart and it's growing.
One hand on this wily comet,
Take a drink just to give me some weight,
Some uber-man I'd make,
I'm barely a vapor
They shone a chlorine light on,
A host of individual sins,
Let's carve my aging face off,
Fetch us a knife,
Start with my eyes,
Down so the lines,
Form a grimacing smile,
Close your eyes to corral a virtue,
Is this fooling anyone else?
Never worked so long and hard,
To cement a failure,
We can blow on our thumbs and posture,
But the lonely is such delicate things,
The wind from a wasp could blow them,
Into the sea,
With stones on their feet,
Lost to the light and the loving we need,
Still to come,
The worst part and you know it,
There is a numbness,
In your heart and it's growing,
With burnt sage and a forest of bygones,
I click my heels,
Get the devils in line,
A list of things I could lay the blame on,
Might give me a way out,
But with each turn,
It's this front and center,
Like a dart stuck square in your eye,
Every post you can hitch your faith on,
Is a pie in the sky,
Chock full of lies,
A tool we devise,
To make sinking stones fly,
And still to come,
The worst part and you know it,
There is a numbness,
In your heart and it's growing.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
This Joyful Day
The 29th of March. A day I've been dreading for quite a while. And I have a reason for it. It's a good reason. Well maybe to some it isn't. But to me it is. And that's what matters isn't it? From the moment I woke up. I knew the entire day would have an air of sadness surrounding it. As far as I can tell. I was right. I don't remember this day very clearly last year. It was all a blur. The only clarity came around some variation of these words. Jenny is no longer with us
The Monday after Easter. I was ready for tennis. My mom burst into the house saying that Jenny was in the hospital. We rushed over. And it hurt to see her like that. She looked weak. She never looked weak. She was one of the strongest people I've ever known. She didn't look alive. And she barely was. I'm not sure if being on Life Support counts. It didn't for me. So really, for me, she left the 26th. But for everyone else, she passed on the 29th. March was never a month I particularly liked and I dislike it even more. I'd lost two people that month. A grandfather.
The Monday after Easter. I was ready for tennis. My mom burst into the house saying that Jenny was in the hospital. We rushed over. And it hurt to see her like that. She looked weak. She never looked weak. She was one of the strongest people I've ever known. She didn't look alive. And she barely was. I'm not sure if being on Life Support counts. It didn't for me. So really, for me, she left the 26th. But for everyone else, she passed on the 29th. March was never a month I particularly liked and I dislike it even more. I'd lost two people that month. A grandfather.
And a second mother. A friend.
Someone who could make me smile. Someone who greatly influenced who I am.
The reason I love cats. The reason why I know how to bake. The reason I know how to grocery shop.
The reason I turned out the way I did...
All because of this one wonderful person. This one. Wonderful. Jenny.
Jenny was my nanny, she'd been my nanny since I was just 1 year old and I don't ever remember her not being there. Today is her one year anniversary of passing.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Cherry Blossoms
Ok quick background, I am currently in Washington D.C. and the cherry blossoms around the National Mall are in bloom and it's gorgeous so....
We walked to the Washington Monument and already had seen some of the cherry blossoms but they were nothing compared to the amount of slightly pink blossoms that surrounded us as we walked to the Jefferson Memorial. It was like being under a canopy of flowers. The petals haven't started to fall yet but it was still one of the most beautiful walks I've ever done. The blossoms paired with the beautiful sunset over the lake was just breathtaking and I don't think I will ever forget it.
I know this was a short slice but here's a picture to make up for it (yes, I took this myself.)
We walked to the Washington Monument and already had seen some of the cherry blossoms but they were nothing compared to the amount of slightly pink blossoms that surrounded us as we walked to the Jefferson Memorial. It was like being under a canopy of flowers. The petals haven't started to fall yet but it was still one of the most beautiful walks I've ever done. The blossoms paired with the beautiful sunset over the lake was just breathtaking and I don't think I will ever forget it.
I know this was a short slice but here's a picture to make up for it (yes, I took this myself.)
Monday, March 27, 2017
Sebby and Zephyr
So it occurred to me that I haven't made an actual slice about Sebastian and Zephyr. Yeah, haven't made a post about the two cats that my blog is based off of.
Sebastian is an all black cat with a couple of white hairs (he's an old man at 1 year of age.) He's a sleek cat with gold eyes. Seb was our first cat and he was honestly pretty little. Sebby isn't as little as he used to be but I don't think he's fully grown. Sebastian is really well behaved for the most part. He doesn't hiss or growl at anyone but he has gotten a lot more unsocial since Zephyr came. Sebastian does love the outdoors and it's lead to him getting out into the depths of our backyard despite our best attempts to keep him indoors. He's a pretty laid back cat but he can go pretty psychotic every so often. He is a fan of lying in the middle of the floor, stretched out as long as he can, not caring if he's in peoples way. Sebastian is pretty sweet (except that I'm pretty sure he hates me because we got Zephyr.)
Zephyr is about four months old and he's a little white and black cat with goldish green eyes. He's probably the sweetest cat I've met and because he's a runt, he is tiny. Like, really little. What I forgot to mention is that Sebby is fairly quiet. Zephyr on the other hand, is really loud. He'll walk into a room and start meowing. He also walks what we like to call a tough guy walk. He just walks around like he's some macho cat when he's actually really teeny. Zephyr does enjoy curling up in people's laps and sleeping there, while, might I mention, purring like a maniac. He has a pretty loud purr and he purrs whenever you pick him up. He hasn't really been outside and I'm not sure how soon he will be because of his size. He's a really lovable cat and him and Sebastian get along quite well.
The two of them meeting

The two of them being adorable

Anyways these are my two kittens, I love them both so much and they make my days 100 times better.
Sebastian is an all black cat with a couple of white hairs (he's an old man at 1 year of age.) He's a sleek cat with gold eyes. Seb was our first cat and he was honestly pretty little. Sebby isn't as little as he used to be but I don't think he's fully grown. Sebastian is really well behaved for the most part. He doesn't hiss or growl at anyone but he has gotten a lot more unsocial since Zephyr came. Sebastian does love the outdoors and it's lead to him getting out into the depths of our backyard despite our best attempts to keep him indoors. He's a pretty laid back cat but he can go pretty psychotic every so often. He is a fan of lying in the middle of the floor, stretched out as long as he can, not caring if he's in peoples way. Sebastian is pretty sweet (except that I'm pretty sure he hates me because we got Zephyr.)
Zephyr is about four months old and he's a little white and black cat with goldish green eyes. He's probably the sweetest cat I've met and because he's a runt, he is tiny. Like, really little. What I forgot to mention is that Sebby is fairly quiet. Zephyr on the other hand, is really loud. He'll walk into a room and start meowing. He also walks what we like to call a tough guy walk. He just walks around like he's some macho cat when he's actually really teeny. Zephyr does enjoy curling up in people's laps and sleeping there, while, might I mention, purring like a maniac. He has a pretty loud purr and he purrs whenever you pick him up. He hasn't really been outside and I'm not sure how soon he will be because of his size. He's a really lovable cat and him and Sebastian get along quite well.
The two of them meeting

The two of them being adorable

Anyways these are my two kittens, I love them both so much and they make my days 100 times better.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
After Two Years
Two years ago
I went to Washington D.C.
Of course, there were others,
The rest of my class.
But we had fun.
Every night we went for dinner.
Every night a new place.
And now,
I'm back.
With different people of course.
For a different reason.
Unsure of how this trip will turn out.
I wait,
Wait for the decision to be made for where we are going to get food.
I went to Washington D.C.
Of course, there were others,
The rest of my class.
But we had fun.
Every night we went for dinner.
Every night a new place.
And now,
I'm back.
With different people of course.
For a different reason.
Unsure of how this trip will turn out.
I wait,
Wait for the decision to be made for where we are going to get food.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Late Night Movies
Late Night Movies,
Those movies that you decide to watch because you were bored.
Those movies that honestly usually suck.
Those movies that are sometimes decent and worth it.
Those movies that are actually TV shows.
Those movies you watch over Rabbit with Billy.
Those movies that you stay up until 1:00-3:00 in the morning watching.
Those movies that are sometimes watched with your Wifeapple.
Those movies... that we classify.
Late Night Movies.
Those movies that you decide to watch because you were bored.
Those movies that honestly usually suck.
Those movies that are sometimes decent and worth it.
Those movies that are actually TV shows.
Those movies you watch over Rabbit with Billy.
Those movies that you stay up until 1:00-3:00 in the morning watching.
Those movies that are sometimes watched with your Wifeapple.
Those movies... that we classify.
Late Night Movies.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Bucky Barnes Fanart
Alright so I am a Marvel girl and yeah, I don't know everything (I've only been into Marvel for a year and I'm more into the MCU) but I know more than a fair amount of people. I always liked the Avengers and of course, I'd seen both Avengers movies multiple times before I got super into Marvel but the movie that got me into the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) was Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I was on one of the unbearably long flights back from India last year and decided I was going to watch CA:TWS (Captain America: The Winter Soldier.) I hadn't seen the other Captain America movie and as far as I was concerned, Cap was a goody-two-shoes-know-it-all.
That all changed. I watch a tv show called Once Upon a Time and in it, the Mad Hatter is played by an actor named Sebastian Stan. I already loved him because he was a really wonderful Mad Hatter in Once. I make a point of remembering actors/actresses' faces when I like them and Sebastian was a face that stuck in my mind.
That all changed. I watch a tv show called Once Upon a Time and in it, the Mad Hatter is played by an actor named Sebastian Stan. I already loved him because he was a really wonderful Mad Hatter in Once. I make a point of remembering actors/actresses' faces when I like them and Sebastian was a face that stuck in my mind.
Side note: I love Sebastian Stan, he's a fabulous human.
Right, so I remember faces so when the Winter Soldier's mask came off, I recognized his face almost instantly. That's part of the reason Bucky/Winter is my favorite, I love Sebastian and I love his acting and the characters he plays. After that flight, I looked up the actor for the Mad Hatter in OUAT and the actor for the Winter Soldier in Captain America. Hey, look at that, it was the same person.
After that, Wifeapple and I spent four weekends watching all of the Marvel movies (Spiderman excluded) since we were determined to watch them all before Captain America: Civil War came out. We succeeded and my love for the Winter Soldier grew. That was a year ago. I've seen CA:TFA (The First Avenger) three times, CA:TWS five times, and CA:CW three times. (I realize I have an obsession)
However one of the coolest things about the Marvel fandom is the Fanart. I love seeing fanart, I have a piece of it as my profile picture. There are so many cool things that people can do with fanart and so much talent. So, here's a bunch of Bucky/Winter Soldier fanart :)
So here's my awkward fangirl thing about Bucky :)
(If you've noticed, the quotes on the bottom of my blog are both from Bucky.)
A Broken Pledge
On March 15th, I made a pledge.
A Pledge to everyone who has read my blog.
A Pledge promising something.
A Pledge I was sure I wouldn't break.
A Pledge I wish that I hadn't broken.
A Pledge that doubled as an apology.
Now that
The pledge has been broken
And an apology about to be written.
I sit here
In my corner
Thinking about the second slice
That should have been posted.
But never was.
The slice that I write now.
Annoyed at myself.
Music playing over my earbuds.
Partially listening to the tour.
I finish the slice,
That broke the pledge.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Song of the Week - "Nothing" By The Script
Answers for yesterday's quote challenge,
1. "He said shut up to me! :)" - Lucifer (in Sam's head) Supernatural
2. "You locked me in my room." - Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) Captain America: Civil War
3. "That's fake me...this must be fake mine." - Dean Winchester (In our world) Supernatural
4. "Really? I retire for what, 5 minutes and everything goes to sh*t?" - Clint Barton (to Wanda) Captain America: Civil War
5. "Up and at 'em Upper East Siders." - Gossip Girl (in her blog posts) Gossip Girl
6. "Yesterday was Tuesday...but today is Tuesday too..." - Sam Winchester (Gabriel was messing with him) Supernatural
7. "Why did you pull me out of the river?" "I don't know." "Yes, you do." - Steve and Bucky (convos with the super soldiers) Captain America: Civil War
Ok so now since we are done with those (which no one got, may I add) here is this week's song of the week!
Nothing by The Script is a wonderful song and I didn't know it existed until one of my friends randomly started texting me lyrics to another of their songs. She texted me a couple lines and then I texted another few and so on until we finished the song. Then she started a new one except I didn't know the song. So, thanks to my friend and here is Nothing by The Script.
Am I better off dead?
1. "He said shut up to me! :)" - Lucifer (in Sam's head) Supernatural
2. "You locked me in my room." - Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) Captain America: Civil War
3. "That's fake me...this must be fake mine." - Dean Winchester (In our world) Supernatural
4. "Really? I retire for what, 5 minutes and everything goes to sh*t?" - Clint Barton (to Wanda) Captain America: Civil War
5. "Up and at 'em Upper East Siders." - Gossip Girl (in her blog posts) Gossip Girl
6. "Yesterday was Tuesday...but today is Tuesday too..." - Sam Winchester (Gabriel was messing with him) Supernatural
7. "Why did you pull me out of the river?" "I don't know." "Yes, you do." - Steve and Bucky (convos with the super soldiers) Captain America: Civil War
Ok so now since we are done with those (which no one got, may I add) here is this week's song of the week!
Nothing by The Script is a wonderful song and I didn't know it existed until one of my friends randomly started texting me lyrics to another of their songs. She texted me a couple lines and then I texted another few and so on until we finished the song. Then she started a new one except I didn't know the song. So, thanks to my friend and here is Nothing by The Script.
Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Then I ever was with her
As they take me to my local down the street
I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet
They say a few drinks will help me to forget her
But after one too many I know that I'm never
Only they can see where this is gonna end
But they all think I'm crazy but to me it's perfect sense
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around
And I know that I'm drunk but I'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing
So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences
I know if I faced her face, that she'll come to her senses
Every drunk step I take leads me to her door
If she sees how much I'm hurting, she'll take me back for sure
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around
And I know that I'm drunk but I'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing
She said nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing
Oh, I got nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, sometimes love's intoxicating
Oh, you're coming down, your hands are shaking
When you realize there's no one waiting
Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Than I ever was with her
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around
And I know that I'm drunk but I'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing
She said nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing
I got nothing
I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh I got nothing
I got nothing
I got nothing
I got nothing
Then I ever was with her
As they take me to my local down the street
I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet
They say a few drinks will help me to forget her
But after one too many I know that I'm never
Only they can see where this is gonna end
But they all think I'm crazy but to me it's perfect sense
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around
And I know that I'm drunk but I'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing
So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences
I know if I faced her face, that she'll come to her senses
Every drunk step I take leads me to her door
If she sees how much I'm hurting, she'll take me back for sure
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around
And I know that I'm drunk but I'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing
She said nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing
Oh, I got nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, sometimes love's intoxicating
Oh, you're coming down, your hands are shaking
When you realize there's no one waiting
Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Than I ever was with her
And my mates are all there trying to calm me down
'Cause I'm shouting your name all over the town
I'm swearing if I go there now
I can change her mind turn it all around
And I know that I'm drunk but I'll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred
Dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing
She said nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing
I got nothing
I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh I got nothing
I got nothing
I got nothing
I got nothing
Monday, March 20, 2017
I've decided to do some random quotes and if anyone can guess what they are from and get to feel better about yourself for being a complete dork :) I'll post the answers tomorrow along with an actual post.
1. "He said shut up to me! :)"
2. "You locked me in my room."
3. "That's fake me...this must be fake mine."
4. "Really? I retire for what, 5 minutes and everything goes to sh*t?"
5. "Up and at 'em Upper East siders."
6. "Yesterday was Tuesday...but today is Tuesday too..."
7. "Why did you pull me out of the river...?" "I don't know" "Yes you do..."
Okok I'm only going to do these, I may do this again but I'll post answers tomorrow :)
1. "He said shut up to me! :)"
2. "You locked me in my room."
3. "That's fake me...this must be fake mine."
4. "Really? I retire for what, 5 minutes and everything goes to sh*t?"
5. "Up and at 'em Upper East siders."
6. "Yesterday was Tuesday...but today is Tuesday too..."
7. "Why did you pull me out of the river...?" "I don't know" "Yes you do..."
Okok I'm only going to do these, I may do this again but I'll post answers tomorrow :)
Rant About Henrik
Quick thing... as of the post from March 18th, many were confused because of the title. I decided to call the post "Bleeding Bunny." The name of the band is Jefferson Airplane, the album is the Surrealistic Pillow and the name of the song is White Rabbit. :)
Anyways, so as many of you know I love the band Amaranthe. It's cause they're amazing. But recently I've been having some issues with a friend of mine.
Wait back up... Amaranthe HAD (I cry) three vocalists. Jake, Elize, and Henrik. Jake is the male rock vocals, Elize is the female rock vocals, and Henrik (my queen) is the growler. Jake left Amaranthe very recently (this is why I cry) but Henrik and Elize are still in it.
Now, being a growler takes real talent. You have to learn how to growl without ruining your voice and how to make it sound good. I appreciate growlers a lot, I think they're amazing and honestly, I'd love to learn how to growl one day.
I like to think of myself as a fairly reasonable person, I mean I'm not going to push you to like what I like or enjoy the same music as I enjoy. But I do get kinda pissed when I am talking about something I love *COUGHHENRIKCOUGH* and somebody *COUGHBLLYCOUGH* who doesn't love Henrik at all and thinks he ruins all of Amaranthe's songs (that was so hard for me to write) starts just hating on all of Amaranthe's songs saying that they were ruined by "that awful noise." Just because I love Henrik doesn't mean that you have to but I won't take anybody's crap because they don't like him. Henrik is my queen and honestly, I really love hearing him growl, I think it adds a really amazing depth to the songs that he's in. I get that not everyone enjoys growlers but I do and I could care less if you don't. Just don't go hating on the band or the songs just because you don't like one part of it. Especially when that band means something to the other person.
If you enjoy growlers as much as I do, take a look at this song. It's kinda Henrik being a growl god :)
Anyways, so as many of you know I love the band Amaranthe. It's cause they're amazing. But recently I've been having some issues with a friend of mine.
Wait back up... Amaranthe HAD (I cry) three vocalists. Jake, Elize, and Henrik. Jake is the male rock vocals, Elize is the female rock vocals, and Henrik (my queen) is the growler. Jake left Amaranthe very recently (this is why I cry) but Henrik and Elize are still in it.
Now, being a growler takes real talent. You have to learn how to growl without ruining your voice and how to make it sound good. I appreciate growlers a lot, I think they're amazing and honestly, I'd love to learn how to growl one day.
I like to think of myself as a fairly reasonable person, I mean I'm not going to push you to like what I like or enjoy the same music as I enjoy. But I do get kinda pissed when I am talking about something I love *COUGHHENRIKCOUGH* and somebody *COUGHBLLYCOUGH* who doesn't love Henrik at all and thinks he ruins all of Amaranthe's songs (that was so hard for me to write) starts just hating on all of Amaranthe's songs saying that they were ruined by "that awful noise." Just because I love Henrik doesn't mean that you have to but I won't take anybody's crap because they don't like him. Henrik is my queen and honestly, I really love hearing him growl, I think it adds a really amazing depth to the songs that he's in. I get that not everyone enjoys growlers but I do and I could care less if you don't. Just don't go hating on the band or the songs just because you don't like one part of it. Especially when that band means something to the other person.
If you enjoy growlers as much as I do, take a look at this song. It's kinda Henrik being a growl god :)
Sunday, March 19, 2017
I Need Something To Write About
I need something to write about...
I'm not sure what.
But it's 9:43 pm and I need a slice...
Ok um choices.
Sebby and Zephyr...
Family trips...
My obsessions with tv shows...
Ugh I just don't know.
Well would you look at that...
I made a slice about needing something to write about. :)
I'm not sure what.
But it's 9:43 pm and I need a slice...
Ok um choices.
Sebby and Zephyr...
Family trips...
My obsessions with tv shows...
Ugh I just don't know.
Well would you look at that...
I made a slice about needing something to write about. :)
Saturday, March 18, 2017
The Bleeding Bunny
I wasn't sure what to do at all. It was Sunday night and this was due Monday (like you haven't procrastinated before). I had to make an album cover for a song. Songs raced through my head.
I can't do Ghost B. C. they're satanic and I honestly have no idea how I would analyze lyrics for them.
Can't do Amaranthe either because I just don't know what song I would choose.
It had been a couple of hours and I still didn't know what song I would do.
Then in a flash of light...the idea came to me. Ok not really it was more like I scoured my Spotify playlist but the point is, I found a song.
White Rabbit By Jefferson Airplane.
At this point one of my friends and I had been talking for a while about what we were going to do for the cover and how long we thought it would take before we finished.
Now I love art, I'm not very good at it... But I do love art so I decided I was going to make this as amazing as I possibly could.
I spent an hour and a half of this album cover and I've gotta say... I'm really proud of it.
Okok so now I'm really into doing gunshots cause I think they're cool :)
I can't do Ghost B. C. they're satanic and I honestly have no idea how I would analyze lyrics for them.
Can't do Amaranthe either because I just don't know what song I would choose.
It had been a couple of hours and I still didn't know what song I would do.
Then in a flash of light...the idea came to me. Ok not really it was more like I scoured my Spotify playlist but the point is, I found a song.
White Rabbit By Jefferson Airplane.
At this point one of my friends and I had been talking for a while about what we were going to do for the cover and how long we thought it would take before we finished.
Now I love art, I'm not very good at it... But I do love art so I decided I was going to make this as amazing as I possibly could.
I spent an hour and a half of this album cover and I've gotta say... I'm really proud of it.
Okok so now I'm really into doing gunshots cause I think they're cool :)
Friday, March 17, 2017
March 16th, 2015.
After so much anticipation.
He was finally here.
Little baby Vikram.
My cousin of course.
The one who we got to see only a few weeks after he was born.
Is now two.
Two. Years. Old.
And he has twin baby sisters.
Vikram's birthday is one of the few things I like about March and we face timed him yesterday and it was wonderful to see his sweet little face. He's a very adorable child and he's very observant. I love having baby cousins now because then I can be that cool older cousin who's in college when they're 7-8. Anyways, Happy birthday Vikram <3 <3
After so much anticipation.
He was finally here.
Little baby Vikram.
My cousin of course.
The one who we got to see only a few weeks after he was born.
Is now two.
Two. Years. Old.
And he has twin baby sisters.
Vikram's birthday is one of the few things I like about March and we face timed him yesterday and it was wonderful to see his sweet little face. He's a very adorable child and he's very observant. I love having baby cousins now because then I can be that cool older cousin who's in college when they're 7-8. Anyways, Happy birthday Vikram <3 <3
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Opening Night
There's always a slight pressure. Ok, it's more than a slight pressure, it's more like a medium pressure. No one really knows whats going to happen. If everything will go perfectly or be a complete train wreck. All we can do is prepare. And do our best. If anything happens, then we have to be on damage control. Make sure there isn't a chain reaction of bad things happening. And honestly, chances are, no huge issue is going to arise *Knocks on wood* but you never know. Some nights are better than others. Some nights just suck. But by the end, when everyone is tired and worn out and every line has been said, every prop put back, every costume hung, ever set piece moved...we're all proud. More than proud, glowing. There's always an adrenaline rush when you hear the audience. When the lights come up. When you finish a quick change. When everyone bows. A smile breaks across your face because you've done it. Opening night is over. Only three left.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Feeling a slight pain.
Proceeding to brush off the pain as unimportant.
Ignoring the fact that the pain was growing.
Fighting to not acknowledge the pain, in hopes it might fade.
Feeling the pain grow.
Getting actually concerned.
Pretending that it’s nothing and it only hurts a little.
Realizing that it hurts more than once thought.
Thinking about how to possibly make it hurt less.
Wondering how long it might go on.
Feeling the pain grow larger.
Silently begging for it to go away.
The thought flutters that this may be the end.
And in a blinding moment…
The pain explodes.
A Pledge
After two years.
I missed a slice.
A dark film fell over my world when I woke up and realized I hadn't posted on the 14th. I was so hopeful, so confident that I would, once again, complete all 31 slices in all 31 days. But I didn't. And now even though the dark film has lightened, it isn't gone and the knowledge of missing a slice hangs over my head. Like a cloud (except that I love the clouds and rain). I won't miss another. I pledge to myself and everyone doing the SOLMC that I will not miss another slice.
I missed a slice.
A dark film fell over my world when I woke up and realized I hadn't posted on the 14th. I was so hopeful, so confident that I would, once again, complete all 31 slices in all 31 days. But I didn't. And now even though the dark film has lightened, it isn't gone and the knowledge of missing a slice hangs over my head. Like a cloud (except that I love the clouds and rain). I won't miss another. I pledge to myself and everyone doing the SOLMC that I will not miss another slice.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Song of the Week... It's A Tie!!
For this weeks Song of the Week, I was having trouble choosing between two songs I have just recently found that I love very very much. Both are by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is a band who has made my life so much better because of their music. It's just always been there for me and so naturally I thought I had heard all of their songs. I was wrong, and now these two are battling for the Song of the Week. If everyone can vote on which song they like better below that would be wonderful. :)
Song #1: Your Eyes Girl
Say what you need to say
Make it clear
Make it great
Cause it's not too late
And there's no mistake
When you shine
Shake it for me anyway
Now we crash the gate
To investigate
Your fate
Pleasure to meet you
Got so much more
To offer the world
See what's in store
Stay all day
Someone to love
That's my boy chip chop
Open the doors
And we never close shop
Stay all day
Take what you need to take
To forsake
Make it for me anyway
When we fill the void
That is Pink As Floyd
To destroy
Records that we file away
And I clean the slate
As we calculate
Your fate
Pleasure to meet you
Got so much more
To offer the world
See what's in store
Stay all day
Someone to love
That's my boy chip chop
Open the doors
And we never close shop
Stay all day
And you shine as you redefine
Your time, just another time of day
Do you feel the spark
When you play the part?
Fake it for me anyway
Time to tell them all
Without hem or haw
No applause
Tell them how to generate
How to raise the bar
How to keep it hard
To be alive, make it for me anyway
If you care at all
You will bare it all
You will grind, shake it for me anyway
Born to play the part
Dying for your art
Cause it's time
Take it for me anyway
You will clear the air
With a single stare
Your fate
Song #1: Your Eyes Girl
I’m afraid that I’m never afraid
I’ve got combat boots
And I’m American made
For your eyes girl
Mormon lover on a delicate day
Gonna marry the boss
Get carried away
War cries girl
I’m not immune to Canadian snow
Now teach me everything
That I should know
With your eyes girl
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to leave and more
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to bleed into snow
Hold on
Let go
We know
Do you shine like a temple inside
Can I open your core
So gentle and wide
Like your eyes girl
Rack ‘em up stretch ‘em out
When they’re tight
This acetylene torch is giving me sight
War cries girl
I’ve got combat boots
And I’m American made
For your eyes girl
Mormon lover on a delicate day
Gonna marry the boss
Get carried away
War cries girl
I’m not immune to Canadian snow
Now teach me everything
That I should know
With your eyes girl
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to leave and more
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to bleed into snow
Hold on
Let go
We know
Do you shine like a temple inside
Can I open your core
So gentle and wide
Like your eyes girl
Rack ‘em up stretch ‘em out
When they’re tight
This acetylene torch is giving me sight
War cries girl
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to leave and more
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to bleed into snow
Hold on
Let go
We know
Black and blue from the hullabaloo
Do the caribou bite
When they look into you
And your eyes girl
I’ve got to leave and more
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to bleed into snow
Hold on
Let go
We know
Black and blue from the hullabaloo
Do the caribou bite
When they look into you
And your eyes girl
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to leave and more
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to bleed into snow
Hold on
Let go
We know
I’ve got to leave and more
Freeze on the radio
I’ve got to bleed into snow
Hold on
Let go
We know
Song #2: Pink as Floyd
Say what you need to say
Make it clear
Make it great
Cause it's not too late
And there's no mistake
When you shine
Shake it for me anyway
Now we crash the gate
To investigate
Your fate
Pleasure to meet you
Got so much more
To offer the world
See what's in store
Stay all day
Someone to love
That's my boy chip chop
Open the doors
And we never close shop
Stay all day
Take what you need to take
To forsake
Make it for me anyway
When we fill the void
That is Pink As Floyd
To destroy
Records that we file away
And I clean the slate
As we calculate
Your fate
Pleasure to meet you
Got so much more
To offer the world
See what's in store
Stay all day
Someone to love
That's my boy chip chop
Open the doors
And we never close shop
Stay all day
And you shine as you redefine
Your time, just another time of day
Do you feel the spark
When you play the part?
Fake it for me anyway
Time to tell them all
Without hem or haw
No applause
Tell them how to generate
How to raise the bar
How to keep it hard
To be alive, make it for me anyway
If you care at all
You will bare it all
You will grind, shake it for me anyway
Born to play the part
Dying for your art
Cause it's time
Take it for me anyway
You will clear the air
With a single stare
Your fate
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Last Minute Posts
Last minute posts
Let's be honest, everyone does them.
Granted, some less than others.
Some do them almost daily *coughsmecoughs*
But sometimes, last minute posts tend to be the best.
Sometimes you choose a random event that you and your best friend were doing just then.
Sometimes you and your best friend forget your slices until 9:00 pm and do them together.
Last minute posts, the ones that technically don't count because it's 11:23 at night.
Last minute posts...
Even the ones about Last Minute Posts.
Let's be honest, everyone does them.
Granted, some less than others.
Some do them almost daily *coughsmecoughs*
But sometimes, last minute posts tend to be the best.
Sometimes you choose a random event that you and your best friend were doing just then.
Sometimes you and your best friend forget your slices until 9:00 pm and do them together.
Last minute posts, the ones that technically don't count because it's 11:23 at night.
Last minute posts...
Even the ones about Last Minute Posts.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Pizza Rolls
We grabbed the bag,
Set the rolls on the tin foil,
And waited....
1 minute turned to 2 and then quickly into 12.
Stopping the oven, we grabbed the pizza rolls and dashed downstairs...
Soon the many pizza rolls turned to few,
As we tried to connect the PS4 to the internet,
Finally, giving up...we retreated back to my room to eat the last pizza rolls
And continue, my Wifeapple and my Gossip Girl Marathon.
Set the rolls on the tin foil,
And waited....
1 minute turned to 2 and then quickly into 12.
Stopping the oven, we grabbed the pizza rolls and dashed downstairs...
Soon the many pizza rolls turned to few,
As we tried to connect the PS4 to the internet,
Finally, giving up...we retreated back to my room to eat the last pizza rolls
And continue, my Wifeapple and my Gossip Girl Marathon.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Two Halves of One Whole
You guys have probably heard me reference a Sofie or a Wifeapple in my posts. Well that Sofie/Wifeapple is one of my best friends.
Two stories,
1: Why she is Wifeapple
2: The title of this :)
Story #1:
Sofie and I both play ultimate and one year, another team had this thing where they would yell "Pineapple" and it meant to basically huck the frisbee. So what Sofie and I decided to do was yell "Pineapple" then "Coconut" then "Pina Colada," of course we loved this and it got to the point where one of us would yell "Pineapple" and the other would yell back "Coconut" and then together we would say "Pina Colada." So we decided to call each other Pineapple and Coconut. Sofie became Pineapple while I became Coconut. Now for the "Wife" part, during the IS play this year we decided we would get friend married, so Sofie proposed with a giant foam ring and we got "married" and so since then, she has become Wifeapple, and I, Winter Wifeonut. (The winter part of my name comes from my obsession with Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier.)
Story #2:
Sofie and I are both doing ultimate this year and the two of us missed the first practice but were here for the second. During this, we expressed how freaking weird we are. We are very, very weird and so Chaika called us Two Halves of the Same Person. Of course us being the nerds we are, we loved this and have proceeded to be quite proud of our titles. Not to mention we have matching bracelets :)
Sofie is a wonderful person and she blogs as well so y'all should check out her blog here
Ily Wifeapple <3
Two stories,
1: Why she is Wifeapple
2: The title of this :)
Story #1:
Sofie and I both play ultimate and one year, another team had this thing where they would yell "Pineapple" and it meant to basically huck the frisbee. So what Sofie and I decided to do was yell "Pineapple" then "Coconut" then "Pina Colada," of course we loved this and it got to the point where one of us would yell "Pineapple" and the other would yell back "Coconut" and then together we would say "Pina Colada." So we decided to call each other Pineapple and Coconut. Sofie became Pineapple while I became Coconut. Now for the "Wife" part, during the IS play this year we decided we would get friend married, so Sofie proposed with a giant foam ring and we got "married" and so since then, she has become Wifeapple, and I, Winter Wifeonut. (The winter part of my name comes from my obsession with Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier.)
Story #2:
Sofie and I are both doing ultimate this year and the two of us missed the first practice but were here for the second. During this, we expressed how freaking weird we are. We are very, very weird and so Chaika called us Two Halves of the Same Person. Of course us being the nerds we are, we loved this and have proceeded to be quite proud of our titles. Not to mention we have matching bracelets :)
Sofie is a wonderful person and she blogs as well so y'all should check out her blog here
Ily Wifeapple <3
Thursday, March 9, 2017
On Thursdays, We Wear Plaid
For all of you who go to school with me, you know I wear plaid. A lot. Well, what you may not have noticed is that I wear plaid. Every. Single. Thursday. (Or at least majority of them.)
Many of you know the saying, "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" (thanks, Mean Girls,) well the Supernatural fandom has done a similar thing. Thursdays are the days that new episodes air and since a large amount of the time, Sam and Dean (not to mention, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Jody and like everyone) wear plaid, we started "On Thursdays We Wear Plaid."
Its honestly a lot of fun because I get to wear my Supernatural stuff and sometimes I've even matched outfits with some people on the show. (Flannel, jeans, boots,{sometimes} and a black t shirt.)
I know that most of the fandom does this, and it's really just a fun way of showing our devotion to the I suppose I'll be wearing plaid today :)
(Fun fact, on Thursdays, Sam and Dean are also Teddy Bear Doctors)
Photo Credit:
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
First of the Flyings Discs
I walked back with two of my friends, the discs were already airborne, some flying perfectly while others went the opposite of the intended way.
I smiled, my third and probably last year of this.
My last year running drills.
My last year throwing warm-up passes to my Wifeapple (Sofie <3).
My last year watching a white disc fly towards me.
My last year yelling the number of the guy I was covering.
My last year telling the story of David's historic "dog play" that won us the point in a scrimmage.
My first practice...
...Of my last year.
I smiled, my third and probably last year of this.
My last year running drills.
My last year throwing warm-up passes to my Wifeapple (Sofie <3).
My last year watching a white disc fly towards me.
My last year yelling the number of the guy I was covering.
My last year telling the story of David's historic "dog play" that won us the point in a scrimmage.
My first practice...
...Of my last year.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
We walked in to see the lower half of the black wall and the upper half, painted a creamy color.
We started darkening the lines of the original drawings and then,
Stroke after stroke, four of us and our teacher made the set come to life...or in my case, death.
The two sides of the stage, one life and one death, the two different sides of the spectrum...
Made into one, full picture.
Paint is magical.
We started darkening the lines of the original drawings and then,
Stroke after stroke, four of us and our teacher made the set come to life...or in my case, death.
The two sides of the stage, one life and one death, the two different sides of the spectrum...
Made into one, full picture.
Paint is magical.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Computer Cat
For all of you who don't know, I have two cats. Well, one is a kitten, but two feline creatures. Sebastian (Sebby, Sebbybastian, Kitty Meow, Swedish Fish, and much more) is the older of the two. He's a black cat with golden eyes and he's about a year old. Zephyr (Zeph, Kibben, Weirdo, Small One, and more) is the younger of the two, he is black and white with weird green-gold eyes. Zephyr also has giant ears and eyes and he's absolutely tiny. Even though he's around 4 months old, he looks about 6-8 weeks.
Fact about Zephyr: He's really cuddly, he loves to curl up and sleep on you, and it's adorable....until you're blogging and he decides to lie on your computer keyboard. Then its a bit of a nuisance.
I had just finished my post and I went to go comment on some other blogs when I heard a tiny meow. Well not that tiny, he has a loud voice for such a tiny cat. I greeted him as he hopped up on my bed and curled up in my lap. A large rumbling came from the little figure and I smiled, his purr is probably the cutest thing about him. Zephyr stayed asleep for about two minutes and then got up and lay down, front body on my computer.
"Um, Zeph do you wanna get off?" I asked, but the cat had gone to sleep. I sighed and proceeded to lift the dozing cat off of my computer. I set him down next to me and went back to commenting. However, a certain cat decided to come back and lie down, once again on my computer. I sighed and lifted him off again. This process repeated quite a few times until I had to go for dinner and started closing the laptop in hopes of scaring the cat. It worked ;)
I have a computer cat and this is him
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Funko Pop Vinyls
So I collect these figures called Funko Pop Vinyls, some of you may know what they are. They are basically little action ish figures. All. Of. Them. Are. Adorable. Like. ALL. OF. THEM.
I have seven of them, all from different fandoms. So, without further ado... I present my Funko Pop Vinyls.
Killian Jones aka Capt. Hook ( Once Upon A Time)
I honestly love Hook in Once, he's really sassy and full of himself and it'
s amazing because he's a good person most of the time.
Sara Lance aka The Black Canary (Arrow)
I personally love Sara as Black Canary more than Laurel. Sara is also one of the smartest and most bada** characters She trained with the Leauge of Assassins and she is gay so she is like 50 times cooler. She's an amazing strong female character and she's sassy.
The Flash (DC)
I don't know which Flash he is but he's The Flash so he's instantly awesome ;)
Oliver Queen aka The Green Arrow (Arrow)
Ollie is honestly amazing, not only is he amazing at fighting and archery, he goes on killing streaks when people he loves are hurt. (That doesn't sound awesome but it was.)
James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky aka The Winter Soldier (Captain America: Civil War)
All yall know that Bucky is my favorite character ever. I love him, he's such a sweet character when he isn't the Winter Soldier. When he's the Winter Soldier, he is amazingly awesome at everything and honestly, there's a scene in Cap America: The Winter Soldier where he fights Steve with a knife and its one of the best scenes I've ever seen. Anyways, I love Bucky and he's a little smol bean who deserves to be protected.
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
If you guys read my last post, you know who Dean is. He's my favorite Winchester and a really wonderful character. Fun Fact: Dean has been, a Demon/Knight Of Hell, Vampire, Ghost, Jefferson Starship and "Micheal's True Vessel". Dean's had an interesting life
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Sammy is the younger of the Winchesters and again, if you read the past post, you know who he is. I love Sammy though, he's amazing. Fun Fact 2: Sammy has been, a Ghost, Rabid, and, "Lucifer's True Vessel.' Samy has also had an interesting life.
I have seven of them, all from different fandoms. So, without further ado... I present my Funko Pop Vinyls.
Killian Jones aka Capt. Hook ( Once Upon A Time)
I honestly love Hook in Once, he's really sassy and full of himself and it'
s amazing because he's a good person most of the time.
Sara Lance aka The Black Canary (Arrow)
I personally love Sara as Black Canary more than Laurel. Sara is also one of the smartest and most bada** characters She trained with the Leauge of Assassins and she is gay so she is like 50 times cooler. She's an amazing strong female character and she's sassy.
The Flash (DC)
I don't know which Flash he is but he's The Flash so he's instantly awesome ;)
Oliver Queen aka The Green Arrow (Arrow)
Ollie is honestly amazing, not only is he amazing at fighting and archery, he goes on killing streaks when people he loves are hurt. (That doesn't sound awesome but it was.)
James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky aka The Winter Soldier (Captain America: Civil War)
All yall know that Bucky is my favorite character ever. I love him, he's such a sweet character when he isn't the Winter Soldier. When he's the Winter Soldier, he is amazingly awesome at everything and honestly, there's a scene in Cap America: The Winter Soldier where he fights Steve with a knife and its one of the best scenes I've ever seen. Anyways, I love Bucky and he's a little smol bean who deserves to be protected.
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
If you guys read my last post, you know who Dean is. He's my favorite Winchester and a really wonderful character. Fun Fact: Dean has been, a Demon/Knight Of Hell, Vampire, Ghost, Jefferson Starship and "Micheal's True Vessel". Dean's had an interesting life
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Sammy is the younger of the Winchesters and again, if you read the past post, you know who he is. I love Sammy though, he's amazing. Fun Fact 2: Sammy has been, a Ghost, Rabid, and, "Lucifer's True Vessel.' Samy has also had an interesting life.
Anyways, these are my wonderful Funko Pop Vinyls. :)
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Song of the Week "Burn With Me" By Amaranthe
I've decided to do a Song of the Week. Music plays (ha get it, plays...) a huge part in my life and so I'm going to be doing a song every week. There may be bands that show up more than once and others that don't. Anyways I present this week's Song of the Week
"You are gone to the highest bidder
Now you're with a man that is god's worst sinner
Well no, don't care about me
I am just the man who meant to set you free
I tried to
Make you a part of me
I even told you what would happen theoretically
There is this something that I need to know
Why am I the only one that lost it all
But every day and every time I turn around
Searching for a place
That I have left behind
And all I wanna believe
That you could bleed so
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else
One's life is another's dream
What someone says a myth is one's normality
How can I
Believe there's another sun
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm the chosen one
As night has taken what is left of day
And everything is like it's made of clay
I feel like I am the only one
Feeding my need to be reckoned as someone
And every day and every time I turn around
Searching for a sign so I can make a sound
But all I want is to flee, I wanna see you
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else"
"You are gone to the highest bidder
Now you're with a man that is god's worst sinner
Well no, don't care about me
I am just the man who meant to set you free
I tried to
Make you a part of me
I even told you what would happen theoretically
There is this something that I need to know
Why am I the only one that lost it all
But every day and every time I turn around
Searching for a place
That I have left behind
And all I wanna believe
That you could bleed so
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else
One's life is another's dream
What someone says a myth is one's normality
How can I
Believe there's another sun
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm the chosen one
As night has taken what is left of day
And everything is like it's made of clay
I feel like I am the only one
Feeding my need to be reckoned as someone
And every day and every time I turn around
Searching for a sign so I can make a sound
But all I want is to flee, I wanna see you
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else
Burn with me
I'm just an empty shell
Another's friend
Transformed to someone else
Take your seat
I cast a spell
So you'll be less like you
And more like someone else"
Friday, March 3, 2017
So as many of you know, I enjoy fangirling... especially over a certain T.V. show.......
Yes, I love Supernatural. A lot. :)
The show is about two brothers (the Winchesters) who are hunters. They hunt everything that goes bump in the night. They fight a lot of monsters and things of the sort but the plot changes a lot ( apocalypse and God's sister and Lucifer being a moody teen), it is a great show and I would definitely recommend watching it.
I'm going to do a summary of the main characters
Dean Winchester- Dean is the older Winchester brother. He's probably my favorite character or at least in the top 3. Dean is kinda messed up (he's been through a lot ok) and I honestly think that part of the reason I like him so much is because I think a very similar way to the way he does.
Sam Winchester- Sam is the younger of the two brothers and he's literally an overgrown puppy. He's very very tall (Jared Padalecki {actor}is 6'4 and 1/2"). Even though I like Dean better, Sam is pretty awesome too. Sam is also pretty messed up but he's still an amazing character.
Castiel- Cas is an angel. Yep, an angel. He and Dean kinda tie for my favorite. Cas is one of the most innocent characters because he doesn't really know how to human. His tie is tied backward, he doesn't get metaphors and references and he once binged a bunch of Netflix shows. He is also a pretty awesome character and you kinda fall in love with him from the moment you meet him.
Bobby- Bobby was more of a father than John (father) was, he actually cared about Sam and Dean and he acted the way a father should. Not to mention he was a freaking expert at hunting. Bobby also was one of the sweetest characters and he should not have died ;(
Crowley- Crowley is the king of hell. Yeah... he's actually a really great character. He has a way about him that just makes you love him. Crowley also has the best relationship with his mother (Rowena) who is a witch. They squabble a lot and it's amazing.
Rowena- Rowena is Crowley's mom and a witch. She's one of the best characters (she fangirled over Lucifer I mean come on). Rowena is quite the character, she messes with her son Fergus aka Crowley and she has helped the Winchesters on multiple accounts much to their displeasure.
Lucifer- Well...Lucifer is Lucifer. He's the sassiest Satan you could ever picture and it makes him so so great, most of the fandom lovesssss him. He messed with Sam a lot and it caused some damage to Sammy but the way he did it was so so funny. Lesson: We love Lucifer :)
John Winchester- John is Sam and Dean's dad. He was a great person until Mary (mom) died. Then he kinda went crazy trying to hunt the demon that killed her. I personally hate old John cause he forced Dean to grow up too fast and wouldn't let Sam go to college unless he left them. But young John was a great person, Mary's death really changed him.
Mary Winchester- Mary is a bada**, she's so great, she was revived after Sam and Dean helped God and Amara ( his sister) make up (don't ask it took a season to explain). I do love Mary but I think that she should stay with Sam and Dean (she didnt).
Here's a list of other characters I love:
Charlie (perfect fangirl)
Kevin (he was so innocent)
Jo (she shouldn't have died)
Ellen (neither should she)
Gadreel (another amazing angel)
Samandriel (heaven's most adorable angel)
Ruby (YAS)
Bela (YAAS)
God/Chuck (He's amazing)
Balthazar (He went back in time and made sure the Titanic didn't sink cause he hated the movie)
Gabriel (He's basically Loki)
Baby (The 67' Impala Dean drives, he calls it Baby so we do too)
Anyways I know this was long but I love this show so so much and it's definitely worth watching
Thursday, March 2, 2017
I had been looking forward to this for about a year and I was so excited. This was going to be one of the best nights of my life. I was going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers live at the Pepsi Center. All my friends knew, and I had spent a large amount of time listening to their new album memorizing over and over again and I was ready.
I exited the two doors in the front of the school to see my dad waiting for me.
"Mom sent you an email this afternoon, did you see it?" He asked.
"No....?" I responded, worried I had missed something.
"RHCP is..." he made a motion of cutting his throat.
"They're sick so they can't do the show, however, it has been rescheduled for October."
Now, bands mean a lot to me, especially this one so I was very upset about this.
I suppose however that artists are also human...
I'm still disappointed
I exited the two doors in the front of the school to see my dad waiting for me.
"Mom sent you an email this afternoon, did you see it?" He asked.
"No....?" I responded, worried I had missed something.
"RHCP is..." he made a motion of cutting his throat.
"They're sick so they can't do the show, however, it has been rescheduled for October."
Now, bands mean a lot to me, especially this one so I was very upset about this.
I suppose however that artists are also human...
I'm still disappointed
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
First of the Last
Two years ago I was required to do the Slice of Life March Challenge. We had to slice every day of the entire month of March and I (honestly) didn't like the idea of it. I have never considered writing as a strong point in my skills and so I definitely was not excited about having to write every day, for 31 days, in the month of March. As it turns out, I actually grew to really like slicing and I thought it may be fun to do it next year.
The next year, I went to Max's classroom with my friend Sofie to see if he was doing the Slice of Life challenge again and if he was, could I be a part of it? Max basically told us that he might be and if we did it, then he would do it for the people who wanted to. Last year I completed the challenge successfully and with a few of my friends.
This year, I wasn't really thinking about the challenge and I didn't really remember that we did the SoL challenge in March until it showed up in our short courses groups and I knew I would do it again. So here I am, doing this challenge for the third and last time here at Logan.
I welcome you to the first of the last.
The next year, I went to Max's classroom with my friend Sofie to see if he was doing the Slice of Life challenge again and if he was, could I be a part of it? Max basically told us that he might be and if we did it, then he would do it for the people who wanted to. Last year I completed the challenge successfully and with a few of my friends.
This year, I wasn't really thinking about the challenge and I didn't really remember that we did the SoL challenge in March until it showed up in our short courses groups and I knew I would do it again. So here I am, doing this challenge for the third and last time here at Logan.
I welcome you to the first of the last.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Welcome to Anika's Slice of Life blog!!
Just by the way, Sebastian (Sebby) and Zephyr are my cats and so this blog is dedicated to them. :)
Anyways I hope to complete this challenge with a bunch of my classmates so I hope you guys enjoy my posts. ;)
Just by the way, Sebastian (Sebby) and Zephyr are my cats and so this blog is dedicated to them. :)
Anyways I hope to complete this challenge with a bunch of my classmates so I hope you guys enjoy my posts. ;)
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