Wednesday, March 29, 2017

This Joyful Day

The 29th of March. A day I've been dreading for quite a while. And I have a reason for it. It's a good reason. Well maybe to some it isn't. But to me it is. And that's what matters isn't it? From the moment I woke up. I knew the entire day would have an air of sadness surrounding it. As far as I can tell. I was right. I don't remember this day very clearly last year. It was all a blur. The only clarity came around some variation of these words. Jenny is no longer with us 

The Monday after Easter. I was ready for tennis. My mom burst into the house saying that Jenny was in the hospital. We rushed over. And it hurt to see her like that. She looked weak. She never looked weak. She was one of the strongest people I've ever known. She didn't look alive. And she barely was. I'm not sure if being on Life Support counts. It didn't for me. So really, for me, she left the 26th. But for everyone else, she passed on the 29th. March was never a month I particularly liked and I dislike it even more. I'd lost two people that month. A grandfather.
And a second mother. A friend. 
Someone who could make me smile. Someone who greatly influenced who I am.
 The reason I love cats. The reason why I know how to bake. The reason I know how to grocery shop. 

The reason I turned out the way I did...

All because of this one wonderful person. This one. Wonderful. Jenny. 

Jenny was my nanny, she'd been my nanny since I was just 1 year old and I don't ever remember her not being there. Today is her one year anniversary of passing. 


  1. I'm sorry for your loss, this was a really powerful post.

  2. I am really sorry for your loss. This post was very moving and compelling.

  3. I'm sorry. This was a powerful post.


"Who the hell's Bucky?"

"My name is Bucky"