Monday, March 6, 2017

Computer Cat

For all of you who don't know, I have two cats. Well, one is a kitten, but two feline creatures. Sebastian (Sebby, Sebbybastian, Kitty Meow, Swedish Fish, and much more) is the older of the two. He's a black cat with golden eyes and he's about a year old. Zephyr (Zeph, Kibben, Weirdo, Small One, and more) is the younger of the two, he is black and white with weird green-gold eyes. Zephyr also has giant ears and eyes and he's absolutely tiny. Even though he's around 4 months old, he looks about 6-8 weeks.

Fact about Zephyr: He's really cuddly, he loves to curl up and sleep on you, and it's adorable....until you're blogging and he decides to lie on your computer keyboard. Then its a bit of a nuisance. 

I had just finished my post and I went to go comment on some other blogs when I heard a tiny meow. Well not that tiny, he has a loud voice for such a tiny cat. I greeted him as he hopped up on my bed and curled up in my lap. A large rumbling came from the little figure and I smiled, his purr is probably the cutest thing about him. Zephyr stayed asleep for about two minutes and then got up and lay down, front body on my computer. 

"Um, Zeph do you wanna get off?" I asked, but the cat had gone to sleep. I sighed and proceeded to lift the dozing cat off of my computer. I set him down next to me and went back to commenting. However, a certain cat decided to come back and lie down, once again on my computer. I sighed and lifted him off again. This process repeated quite a few times until I had to go for dinner and started closing the laptop in hopes of scaring the cat. It worked ;) 

I have a computer cat and this is him


  1. Bucky is a conflicted character but I blame him for everything he did. I love cats and I am impressed that yours is not terrified of the computer.

  2. He is very cute, and it is funny how animals get in the way on their terms, but when people touch them they run away. Nice slice!

  3. I can relate to this more than I like to let on.

  4. Awe cute! Love your cats and cannot wait to meet Zepher


"Who the hell's Bucky?"

"My name is Bucky"