Wednesday, March 1, 2017

First of the Last

Two years ago I was required to do the Slice of Life March Challenge. We had to slice every day of the entire month of March and I (honestly) didn't like the idea of it. I have never considered writing as a strong point in my skills and so I definitely was not excited about having to write every day, for 31 days, in the month of March. As it turns out, I actually grew to really like slicing and I thought it may be fun to do it next year.

The next year, I went to Max's classroom with my friend Sofie to see if he was doing the Slice of Life challenge again and if he was, could I be a part of it? Max basically told us that he might be and if we did it, then he would do it for the people who wanted to. Last year I completed the challenge successfully and with a few of my friends.

This year, I wasn't really thinking about the challenge and I didn't really remember that we did the SoL challenge in March until it showed up in our short courses groups and I knew I would do it again. So here I am, doing this challenge for the third and last time here at Logan.

I welcome you to the first of the last. 


  1. Welcome back to another year of slicing! A slice about your slicing journey is a fun way to start!

  2. I'm excited! By the way I like your background :)

  3. Yay! Im glad your doing it, thanks for the shoutout :)

  4. Great intro, I forgot about it for a while as well. Nice intro post, it says a lot about your opinion toward the challenge.


"Who the hell's Bucky?"

"My name is Bucky"